
Сообщение о моем любимом поэте на английском. Топик MY FAVOURITE WRITERS

Reading is one of my hobbies, and that"s why I try to use every spare minute to read. I like different kinds of literature.

I like Russian and foreign, classic and modern literature. I usually read different books: love stories, detective stories or historical novels.

I want to tell you about my favourite writer, it is Alexandra Marinina. She is considered to be a Russian Queen of detective prose. The works of this author are really interesting.

In all books there are the same characters and starting a new book you meet old friends. The author used to work as an investigator and she knows how to arouse the readers interest and at the same time writes the facts that could take place.

Many detective novels by Marinina are translated into foreign languages and foreign readers can compare our writer with Agatha Christie. When I got acquainted with these books I was greatly impressed by the wit and humour.

The main character, a slender and weak woman, doesn"t need to fight with the criminals using judo or something like that. She is very clever and intelligent. Her brain works as a good computer.

All the actions and characters are described so vividly that I had a feeling of our possible meeting when I visited Moscow last summer. Unfortunately I don"t have complete works by Marinina, it"s impossible, she"s still writing. But I always recommend my friends to read these books.

Перевод текста: My Favourite Writer (A. Marinina) - Мой любимый писатель (А. Маринина)

Чтение — одно из моих увлечений, и поэтому я стараюсь использовать каждую свободную минуту, чтобы почитать. Я люблю разные жанры литературы.

Я люблю русскую и зарубежную, классическую и современную литературу. Конечно, я читаю разные книги: любовные рассказы, детективы или исторические романы.

Я хочу рассказать вам о моей любимой писательнице. Это Александра Маринина. Ее считают королевой русской детективной прозы. Произведения этой писательницы по-настоящему интересны.

Во всех книгах те же персонажи, и, начиная новую книгу, вы как будто встречаете старых друзей. Писательница раньше работала следователем, и она знает, как вызвать интерес читателя, и в то же время описывает события, которые могут происходить в действительности.

Многие детективные романы, написанные Марининой, переведены на иностранные языки, и иностранные читатели могут сравнить нашу писательницу с Агатой Кристи. Когда я познакомилась с этими книгами, я была глубоко потрясена их юмором.

Главному персонажу, утонченной и слабой женщине, не нужно драться с преступниками, используя дзюдо или что-либо подобное. Она очень умна и интеллектуальна. Ее мозг работает, как хороший компьютер.

Все действия и персонажи описываются так живо, что я ощущала возможность нашей встречи, когда была в Москве прошлым летом. К сожалению, у меня нет полного собрания произведений Марининой, да это не возможно, ведь она все еще пишет. Но я всегда рекомендую моим друзьям почитать эти книги.

Использованная литература:
1. 100 тем английского устного (Каверина В., Бойко В., Жидких Н.) 2002
2. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в ВУЗы. Устный экзамен. Топики. Тексты для чтения. Экзаменационные вопросы. (Цветкова И. В., Клепальченко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А.)
3. English, 120 Topics. Английский язык, 120 разговорных тем. (Сергеев С.П.)

I am a student, that’s why I should read a lot of books. I like reading. Literature means a lot in my life. It helps me to understand other people better. I often analyze the characters of the books and it helps me to understand the world and myself. I read books by different authors: Russian, Ukrainian, German, and English.

My favourite Russian writer is Darya Dontsova. She is a popular Russian writer of modern prose. The works of this author are smart and really interesting. According to her own words, her novels are based on real facts. That arouses the reader’s interest and provokes their own analysis of the events. When I got acquainted with her books, I was really impressed by her wit and humor. The main characters often find themselves in a difficult situation, but they do not give up and try to find the way out. Some of the characters of her books are mean and jealous. Some of them are deeply feeling, faithful and tender.

When I read books by my favourite author, Darya Dontsova, I have a feeling that I may meet her characters even in my native town. I always try to watch an interview on TV with Darya Dontsova. She has a happy family that supports her in her work and in difficult situations. She has a strong character, and she is optimistic. Her brain works as a good computer and she knows how to derive benefit from it. I always recommend my friends to read her books.


smart - остроумный
to arise - возникать
wit - остроумие
mean - подлый
jealous - завистливый

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My favourite singer

I love music and I can say that I’m fond of a lot of music styles. It depends on my mood: sometimes I need some energetic and light disco music but I can also enjoy classical, lyrical or jazz pieces of music as well. And there is one singer I can listen to at any time. Her name is Rihanna.

My love for her started several years ago. It was in 2007 when I turned on the radio and the DJ said: “Here is a new single from Rihanna.” I fell in love with that song immediately. The young girl was singing “The umbrella”. The tune was very catchy, the voice was so soft and deep. I couldn’t help dancing and singing along with her. That song became a hit at once and it was one of the best-selling singles of all time.

My favourite singer was born in 1988 in Barbados and her full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Today she has released 7 studio albums so far and has already sold more than 150 million records worldwide. Rihanna has earned numerous music awards. She always gets stadiums full of her fans. I also dream of visiting her concert some day and dance to her tremendous songs in reggae, hip-hop and R’n’B styles. The lyrics in her songs are quite meaningful and romantic.

Rihanna is a very beautiful and talented person. She is not just a singer with a powerful voice, she is also an actress and a successful fashion designer.

Я люблю музыку и могу сказать, что увлекаюсь многими музыкальными стилями. Все зависит от моего настроения: иногда мне нужна энергичная и легкая диско музыка, но я также могу наслаждаться классическими, лирическими или джазовыми композициями. И есть одна певица, которую я могу слушать в любое время. Ее зовут Рианна.

Моя любовь к ней началась несколько лет назад. Это был 2007 год, когда я включила радио, и голос ди-джея объявил: «А сейчас новый сингл от Рианны.» Я влюбилась в ту песню в одно мгновение. Молодая девушка пела «Зонт». Мелодия была очень запоминающейся, голос был таким мягким и глубоким. Я не могла не начать пританцовывать и подпевать вместе с ней. Та песня сразу же стала хитом и была синглом-бестселлером всех времен.

Моя любимая певица родилась в 1988 году в Барбадосе, и ее полное имя – Робин Рианна Фенти. На сегодняшний день она выпустила 7 студийных альбомов и уже продала более 150 млн записей по всему миру. Рианна удостоена многочисленных музыкальных наград. Она всегда собирает стадионы, полные поклонников. Я тоже мечтаю когда-нибудь посетить ее концерт и потанцевать под ее классные песни в стилях регги, хип-хоп и R’n’B. Тексты ее песен довольно содержательны и романтичны.

Рианна – очень красивый и талантливый человек. Она не только певица с мощным голосом, но и актриса и успешный дизайнер одежды.

My favourite writers

Reading is to mind what exercise is to body. The rise of television sometimes has been coupled with the dearth of books. But I dont think books need to be rescued. A book is one of the greatest wonders of the world. It gives us a unique chance to link up with authors who lived hundreds and thousands years ago. Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different ages and countries. Through reading books we hear their voices, thoughts and feelings. The book is the surest way to bring nations together. It gives us an insight not only into the past, but also into the future. The book is a faithful and undemanding friend: it can be put aside and be taken again at any moment.

As for me, Im fond of reading. I became very keen on literature early in life. Books stirred my imagination, expanded the boundaries of the familiar world and filled my life with great expectations of joy and happiness. Since childhood I have been enchanted by Pushkin and Gogol, Chekhov and Turgenev, by poetry of Yesenin and Pasternak. Later on I got acquainted with Dantes “Divine Comedy” and Ancient Greek mythology and legends.

I think we cant live without books. I consider, that books are with us during all our life. To my mind the house looks glum and joyless without books. I like to read books about the history of our country, about famous people and the life of my contemporaries abroad. Literature means much in my life. It helps to form the character and the world outlook, to understand life better. Books give information and knowledge, educate, give pleasure and sometimes they help people to forget about problems.

Dickens was born in 1812 in Portsmouth. He was the second of the eight children in the family. Although not poor by the standards of the time, the Dickens family lived through a series of financial crises. In 1823 facing a financial ruin, the family moved to London, where Charles began to work in a warehouse for six shillings a week. At that time his father was arrested for debt. Only at the age of twelve Charles was sent to school, where he did well, and at the age of fifteen he got a job in a legal firm. After learning shorthand, he became a reporter for the “Morning Chronicle” and soon wrote “Pickwick Papers”. In 1836, when “Pickwick Papers” were published, he became the most popular living novelist in England and held this position until he died. Then he published novel after novel- “Oliver Twist”, “Nickolas Nickleby”, “The Old Curiosity Shop”, “David Copperfield”, “Little Dorit” and many others. Besides constantly writing novels he was editing newspapers and magazines, giving readings from his books to huge crowds of people.

There was no other novelist in England who had such a hold on all classes of people already during his lifetime. His books were read by all- by learned and simple people, by the rich and the poor alike.

The popularity of his books hasnt diminished with time. The great-heartedness of the author appeals to the contemporary reader as much as it did a century ago. His kindly, understanding eye looks with tolerance on good and bad alike. Dickens believes in kindness and generosity of people. Its not just a happy end that his books have, its a philosophy which gives optimism and faith to the reader.

Also, I have an interest in American literature. Ive read several books by American writers. The first American writer who came my way was Jack London whose stories struck me by unusual situations and the courage of his heroes. A also admire the humour of Mark Twain. Ive read some of his stories and ,of course, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn”. But my favourite American writer is Ernest Hemingway. When I read his biography I was impressed by his personality. He was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. His life was full of adventures and events that required courage, strong will and determination. He began his career as a brave war correspondent during World War I. The scope of his interests was incredibly wide.

His war experience and adventurous life provided the background for many of his short stories and novels. He achieved success with “ A Farewell to Arms”, the story of a love affair between an American lieutenant and an English nurse during World War I.

Hemingway actively supported the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War. In his articles he denounced the fascist regime of Franco. “The Fifth Column” is a play about the Civil War in Spain.

In 1940 Hemingway completed the novel “For Whom the Bell Tolls”. Its a story about a young American teacher of Spanish who joins the Spanish partisans and gives his life for the cause of freedom.

In 1952 Hemingway finished his tale “The Old Man and the Sea”. This story about an old Cuban fisherman is a hymn to human courage and endurance. Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954.

Hemingway is famous for his simple style, which has been widely imitated but never achieved by other writers. His heroes show courage in the face of danger, the feature which Hemingway admired grealty and which he himself possessed. Unwilling to live with the grave physical disease, Hemingway committed suicide, as his father had done before him under similar circumstances.

Belorusian writers: Our country is rich in remarkable authors. First of all Id like to mention the names of our outstanding national writers Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas, the voices of Belarus. They created a new Belorusian literature and a Belorusian liteary language. Both are considered to be the classics of Belorusian literature. These names are followed by a number of other well-known writers and poets, such as K. Krapiva, K. Chorny, P. Brovka, A. Adamovich, M. Bogdanovich, I. Melezh, V. Korotkevich(“Old Legend”, “The Black Castle of Olshany”, “The Wild Hunt of King Stakh”, “Impossible to Forget”, “The Land Beneath White Wings”, “Kalasy Pad Siarpom Tvaim”), V. Bykov known both in our country and abroad.

Russian writers: A. Pushkin, I. Turgenev, F. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy, A. Chekov, M. Lermontov etc.

There are so many tasty dishes that it is difficult to choose my favorite one. I can say that after visiting several countries I can name dozen of them.

After visiting Italy I fell in love with pizza and I can cook it very well. Having visited Greece I can cook very tasty cakes. From my trip to China I brought some tasty recipes of chicken in sweet and sour sauce. Desire to cook some dish really depends on the mood but there is one meal I adore the most. It is called French meat.

I remember having ordered this meal during my trip in France and immediately decided that I want the recipe of it. When the waiter served it, I felt the taste I couldn’t resist.

I believe most people have tried it in this or that form. At our family parties when the whole family gathers I always cook it. It consists of the meat and onion rings, filled with sour cream and slices of cheese. When all the layers are done, you place the dish in the oven or gas-stove and cook it for two hours.

It can be served with any food you like: potatoes, rice or vegetables. It is so tasty that all my relatives adore it. Of course I can cook many other dishes but that one is my love forever.


Существует столько вкусных блюд, что трудно выбрать мое любимое. Могу сказать, что после посещения нескольких стран я могу назвать на десяток из них.

После посещения Италии я влюбилась в пиццу, и я очень хорошо ее готовлю. Побывав в Греции, я могу приготовить очень вкусные пирожные. Из моей поездки в Китай я привезла вкусные рецепты курицы в кисло-сладком соусе. Желание приготовить какое-нибудь блюдо действительно зависит от настроения, но есть одно блюдо, которое я обожаю больше всего. Оно называется мясо по-французски.

Я помню, как заказала это блюдо во время моей поездки во Францию, и сразу же решила, что я хочу его рецепт. Когда официант поставил его, я почувствовала запах и не смогла устоять.

Я полагаю, что большинство людей пробовали это блюдо в той или иной форме. На наши семейные праздники, когда собирается вся семья, я всегда его готовлю. В рецепт входят мясо и кольца лука, которые заливаются сметаной и кусочками сыра. Когда все слои готовы, вы помещаете блюдо в духовку или ставите на газовую плиту, и готовите в течение двух часов.

Его можно подавать с любой едой, которая вам нравится: картофель, рис или овощи. Оно настолько вкусное, что все мои родственники обожают его. Конечно, я могу приготовить много других блюд, но это моя любовь навсегда.

Полезные фразы:

to name dozen of sth - назвать дюжину чего-либо (дюжина = 12 шт)

to fall in love with - влюбиться в

chicken in sweet and sour sauce. - курица в кисло сладком соусе

depends on the mood - зависеть от настроения

a recipe - рецепт

I couldn’t resist - я не могла сопротивляться

the whole family gathers - собирается вся семья

to serve with - подавать с чем-либо